Now more than ever , law firms are stepping up their game to effectively tell their stories , create memorable content , better define their brands , and engage audiences so that the law firm comes to mind when the need for legal representation actually arises .
Where do we even start ?
Production ... it ’ s a word with a great deal of variance in what it could mean , yet it has become a word that has taken on extreme importance and evolved more in recent years than ever before . Production , in the context of marketing , generally describes making commercials . However , how commercials are made , what they seek to accomplish , how much they cost , and the storytelling approach has started to rival that of Madison Avenue ’ s most prominent Fortune 500 advertisers . It ’ s less cut and dry than sitting in front of bookcases and green screens anymore . There are several reasons for the evolution of law firm advertisements , but as someone immersed in ad creation , I attribute it to numerous factors creating a perfect storm for change . Factors like stiff competition , endless options for media consumption , a thinning pool of potential plaintiffs in the age of work from home , and even the Golden Gavels , where everyone sees the level other firms are rising to and seeks to do it for themselves . We live in the age of content , and firms are starting to realize that if you fall short on messaging and what you use for the inventory you are placing and paying for , you could be making tragic mistakes that paralyze your marketing plans .
The A-List x 11