The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 36

Valuation : in addition to tracking where your prospects are coming from , you need to determine how much an average client is worth . Of course , if your firm has very different practice areas and types of services , you will need to do this for each of those . This average client value is crucial to help measure the true value of your marketing investments to your firm .
Analysis : after a few months of consistently tracking where your clients are coming from , you can start to evaluate what marketing tactics seem to have the most promise and adjust those tactics .
DEALING WITH FALL-OFF unreachable / hesitant claimants , and the inability to retrieve medical records . It is important to understand why claimants fall-off outside of tort maturity and / or tort complexity because adjusting what you can control ( intake and marketing strategy ) can help decrease the number of fall-offs .
In sum , fall-off is an unavoidable part of mass tort marketing . If metrics are accurately tracked and adjusted accordingly , return on investment and conversions rates will increase . Maintaining these data points promotes efficiency in litigation and creates potential growth opportunities .
If you want to grow your practice with confidence , you must be able to build and manage a consistent flow of prospects . Development of key metrics and understanding those metrics are essential for success .
Signed claimants or leads that turn out not to be viable are considered ‘ fall-off ”. The fact is , not every signed claimant will result in a viable case . Depending on the maturity or complexity of the tort , fall-off rate could range from 50 % or higher .
If a campaign is underperforming with a higher-than-expected fall-off rate , some potential reasons why include : tort maturity , tort complexity , follow up timeliness , call center conversion quality , marketing partner continuity ,
34 x The A-List