The Trial Lawyer - The A List 2023 | Page 20

depending on who your audience is . I ’ m not talking about demographics here , or a target audience – i . e . Men , 35 +, HHI $ 100K and below , Sports Enthusiasts – that ’ s a target audience . But who are they ? What do they care about and to whom do they listen ? There is a radical difference between how you speak to a 38-year-old male and a 60-year-old female , no doubt .
Also , many lawyers don ’ t always speak in “ the people ’ s vernacular .” That ’ s okay . But legalese isn ’ t effective in advertising . Likewise , commercial creative cannot and should not become treatises on the law . As a brand , you only have a few seconds to make a memorable impression and a meaningful connection . It ’ s an emotional proposition .
You need to connect with your audience emotionally and intellectually . You need to stand out . You need to be creative , relatable and you need to tell your story in a way that reaches your audience and engages them to respond . Of course , your audience wants compensation for their injuries . But for them to trust you with their future , they need to trust they ’ ll be important to you and you ’ ll fight as hard as possible for them before they ’ ll make that call . You must orient your storytelling and messaging towards the people you hope to attract .
Of course , the core of your messaging must be loyal to your brand , but that doesn ’ t mean you can ’ t adapt your messaging to your audiences . To accomplish this , you need to know more about your audience than you ever thought possible . Are you considering cognitive and literacy averages in your market ? Have you thought about the variety of cultures , age demographics or what your audience does for fun ? Are they part of the advertainment ( advertising and entertainment ) advertising culture ? Have you considered the population of your market that spends time streaming television and video ? Are you in a blue-collar market or a tech driven market ? There are a million questions you need to ask yourself to effectively leverage your creative and media strategy efforts .
You ’ ve heard it before ( but have you really heard it ?) – sight , sound , motion and emotion – the power of television , the impact of video content – is unparalleled . That core truth hasn ’ t changed . Television and the consumption of video affords you an opportunity to be invited into someone ’ s most personal space , their home . And no matter where they ’ re consuming content ; their living room , their kitchen , their bedroom … You are a part of their everyday life .
But , even if they see you dozens of times a day , do they really know you ?
• Do they like you ?
• Do they respect you ?
• Do they trust you ?
• Do they HEAR you , and most importantly … Are they listening ?
We talk all the time about creating something special through messaging . Something you say that sticks and makes sense and clearly defines why it ’ s so important to choose your law firm . Not the lawyer who spends more , or speaks louder , or promises more . But the right lawyer . What you say and how you say it matters .
You KNOW your audience . I know you do . So , put them first in your messaging . What is their struggle , what is their fear , what are they most proud of , what do they need at this moment ? Are you speaking TO them or AT them ? You must ask yourself this repeatedly . If you think about the most important element of your marketing – your messaging - and how you speak to your audiences ( because you do have more than one audience ), does your messaging convey individuality of the audience , or does it all look and sound the same ? Do your commercials and creative campaigns look like every other law firm in your market ? If so , that doesn ’ t mean it ’ s working ; it just means everyone is doing it . Does your creative honor the people you are trying to reach ? A commercial concept that worked well in reaching one niche target group might not resonate with another . Different law firms bring different assets to the table , and each firm has its own unique messaging and branding .
So , how can you stand out and make an impact in the audience ’ s heart and mind ? Pour your ever lovin ’ SOUL into whatever you do to connect with them . Your creative is the SOUL of your brand . It defines your brand . It defines you ! And , if you can ’ t put your entire SOUL into it , then don ’ t do it . It isn ’ t genuine and it won ’ t serve you well . In short - “ do ” creative well , really , really well . And be prepared to stretch yourself , your brand and your voice . And , entertain ideas and concepts that might not speak to you , but may speak better to them .
It may be uncomfortable on occasion , but marketing your firm and services isn ’ t just about you . It ’ s about your brand and how your firm can help the people you ’ re trying to reach . The stories you tell , the concepts and creative storytelling that works for your audiences may not be your personal cup of tea . I get it , but it doesn ’ t matter . You must ask yourself if your messaging works for your brand and for your potential clients . Even if the audiences you ’ re reaching don ’ t need you now , wickedly creative , effective and targeted messaging will keep you top-ofmind for the day they do need you .
Choosing a lawyer can be a terrifying and intimidating experience for most people . In the end , it doesn ’ t matter how good you are at what you do if your audience doesn ’ t feel seen , heard and understood . You have a wonderful story to share with many diverse audiences . Make it good . No . Make it great ! Demonstrate your authenticity , expertise , humility and appreciation .
QUESTION - Why do you ( or someone in your firm ) visit a prospective client at their home , or perhaps even in the hospital ? Because it ’ s Personal , and you can connect with them , and their family , earn their trust , ease their fears , and demonstrate why you are the right lawyer , the only lawyer to help them , all while sitting right there with them .
It ’ s the exact same philosophy with your creative messaging . No different . Take away the lights , camera and prompter , and craft creative that is personal and speaks to them , that genuinely represents your personal brand and your professional brand . Because with every impression , you are sitting right there with them !
18 x The A-List