Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine , Senate approval of President Biden ’ s FDA Commissioner nominee Robert Califf , MD , was barely covered by news media . But everyone who cares about conflicts of interest at the
FDA will find the choice disheartening .
According to disclosures in a November 20 , 2013 Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA ) opinion piece that Califf cowrote :
“ Dr . Califf receives research grants that partially support his salary from Amylin , Johnson & Johnson , Scios , Merck / Schering- Plough , Schering-Plough Research Institute , Novartis Pharma , Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation , Aterotiovax , Bayer , Roche , and
Lilly …. Dr . Califf also consults for TheHeart . org ( http :// TheHeart . The Trial Lawyer x 81