The Trial Lawyer Spring 2024 | Page 76

“ RSV Isn ’ t Just A Cold ; Not All Dangers Have Warning Labels ” says Pfizer ’ s sales site for ABRYSVO pays off the ads . No matter that doctors say RSV seldom affects adults and the CDC says RSV “ causes mild , coldlike symptoms [ and ] Most people recover in a week or two .” Fear sells .
Another Lucrative Disease
While its new weight loss candidate tanked weeks ago , Pfizer is also selling its drugs VYNDAQEL and VYNDAMAX to treat its trumped up disease of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy . What is transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy , shortened to the snappy , sales-friendly acronym ATTR-CM like “ EPI ,” “ ED ,” “ RA ,” “ ADHD ” and , of course , “ RSV ”? It is a collection of seemingly unrelated symptoms like fatigue , leg or abdominal swelling , breathing difficulties and fluctuation in blood pressure and heart beat that , if you connect them , could help Pfizer make a $ ale .
Personal Injury
Medical Malpractice
Mass Tort
Business & Commercial Litigation
Bad Faith Insurance
Construction Defects
Workers ’ Compensation


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AbbVie , a Chicago area-based drug maker who spun off from drug maker Abbott in 2013 thanks to its blockbuster Humira , is also trolling the audio waves . In its “ Get Real Clear ” audio campaign , the narrator “ talks ” to patients in denial about their “ uncontrolled ” psoriasis symptoms . One “ sufferer ” has apparently told a friend he could not go out when the real reason was his psoriasis . Denial ! Another “ sufferer ” thinks her psoriasis is not noticeable on a walk she is taking but it is more denial !
Unlike “ Ask Your Doctor ” ads which have saturated media for decades , “ Get Real Clear ” ads specifically tell people to call their dermatologist ( who presumably has been “ presold ” on the drug by AbbVie ) and even feature the woman on the walk calling her derm — “ Hello . I would like to make an appointment ” — in insulting monkey-see-monkey-do play-by-play .
“ Large molecule ” drugs biologics — of which Humira was a leader , are usually genetically engineered , derived from animals and have to be injected . They have become are cows for drug makers and are quickly supplanting older , “ small molecule ” drugs .
According to DealTown about the move away from TV to audio , “ The control and convenience of digital entertainment alternatives are a hit with consumers , luring them away from traditional media .” The site might have added “ luring them into doctors ’ offices .”
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