The Trial Lawyer Spring 2024 | Page 42


By Miles Mogulescu
Although between 125 million and 150 million voters will probably cast ballots nationally in the 2024 presidential election , the winner will likely be decided by only about 100,000 voters in a handful of states .
In 2020 , Biden won the majority of the national popular vote by more than seven million votes . But if you put those votes under a magnifying glass , Biden only won the electoral vote by an aggregate of 42,918 votes in Arizona , Wisconsin , and Georgia . If slightly more than 21,000 voters in those three states had chosen Trump instead of Biden , or slightly more than 42,000 Biden voters in those three states just stayed home , Trump would have won the electoral vote and would have legally become president for a second term .
Similarly , in 2016 , Hillary Clinton won the majority of the national popular vote by nearly 3 million votes . Nonetheless , Trump won the Electoral College vote 306-227 . Trump only won the electoral vote by an aggregate of 77,744 votes in Michigan , Pennsylvania , and Wisconsin . If slightly more than 38,000 voters in those three states had chosen Clinton instead of Trump or slightly more than 77,000 Trump voters in those three states had stayed home , Clinton , not Trump , would have been elected president in 2016 .
In 2000 , Al Gore won the popular vote by over half a million votes nationally but lost the election to George W . Bush by a mere 537 votes in Florida after a Republican-majority Supreme Court ordered a recount halted , handing the presidency to Bush ( and after Ralph Nader received 97,488 votes in Florida .)
To summarize , since the year 2000 , Democrats have won the popular vote
40 x The Trial Lawyer five of the six presidential elections but Republicans have won the Presidency by carrying the electoral vote three of those times .
If polls taken ten months before an election are to be taken seriously , there ’ s a strong chance that Biden will win a majority of the popular vote and Trump will win the electoral vote and legitimately retake the presidency in November . A recent poll by Stack Data Strategy predicts that Biden would win the popular vote again by nearly two million votes , but that Trump would win the electoral vote 292-246 by winning four states that were decided by the closest margins in 2020 — Arizona , Georgia , Pennsylvania , and Wisconsin . Similarly , the New York Times / Siena poll finds that Trump would closely win five of the six most important battleground states which Biden won in 2020 : Arizona , Georgia , Nevada , Michigan , Pennsylvania , and Wisconsin .
However , it wouldn ’ t take much to change between now and November for Biden instead of Trump to win the electoral college and be reelected if only a few tens of thousands of voters change their minds in a handful of swing states .
The strength of Biden ’ s and Trump ’ s ground game in the swing states could make a significant difference since , given how close the swing states are , turnout for the respective candidates could be determinative .
Also , although the economy is doing relatively well , a majority of voters currently disapprove of Biden ’ s handling of the economy . But the Wall Street Journal just reported that consumer sentiment rose by a record 29 % since November . If , over the next nine months , this convinces a few tens of thousands of voters in the key swing states to vote for Biden instead of sitting home or voting for Trump , the electoral vote majority could shift to Biden . On the other hand , Biden ’ s support for Israel ’ s brutal assault on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip could cause enough Muslim voters in Michigan and Pennsylvania , where they are plentiful , to sit out the presidential election or vote third party in enough numbers to shift the electoral votes of these key swing states to Trump which could get him close to a national electoral vote majority .
Significantly , recent polls show that if Trump is convicted of a crime before the election , he is likely to lose his current slim lead . A recent Wall Street Journal poll shows a fivepoint swing from Trump to Biden if Trump is convicted . The Times / Siena poll indicating Trump winning in five of the six key swing states of Arizona , Georgia , Michigan , Nevada , Pennsylvania , and Wisconsin shows Biden winning all 6 of these swing states if Trump is convicted , with 6 % of voters switching from Trump to Biden . If true , a Trump conviction could make a Biden victory probable .
As in 2000 , the outcome of the 2024 presidential election could effectively be determined by the Supreme Court , which will likely hear an appeal concerning Trump ’ s contention that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution . While even this conservative Supreme Court may well rule that presidents are not immune and Trump can stand trial , the question is whether the appeals process will be concluded in time for a trial to be completed and a verdict rendered before November .
Get ready for a bumpy ride over the next nine months . And keep your eye on six states .