The Trial Lawyer Spring 2022 | Page 35

The Classic Mastermind model is hands down my absolute favorite Mastermind experience . Based on years of being a member in a variety of different types of Mastermind groups , and after facilitating PILMMA ’ s Mastermind groups for over 10 years , I believe the Classic Mastermind Model provides the maximum benefit to its participants .
In the Classic Model , groups are limited to between 10-20 members , and each member is expected to participate in every meeting . Membership is market exclusive and by application only , so that no member is in competition or potential competition with another member . This exclusivity component ensures that members can share their very best strategies , ideas , and insights with one another without any fear that those ideas will end up being used against them by a competitor .
In the Classic Model each attendee takes 30-45 minutes to share their best strategies from the past quarter , as well as any unique challenges or obstacles for which they ’ d like feedback from the group . They also bring up any new strategies they are thinking about trying , in the event other members of the group have already implemented those strategies . Ideally , all participants are engaged throughout the meetings , and chime in freely with ideas , opinions , relevant advice , and brainstorming . The facilitator organizes the meetings and helps ensure that no member talks over the others or monopolizes the meetings . If needed , the facilitator also shares ideas or insights relevant to the issues being discussed .
The Classic Mastermind Group is like a roundtable . If you have more attendees than can fit at a large conference table , then the group is probably too large for the level of sharing and intimacy intended in a Classic Mastermind Group .
Picture a small group of business owners gathered around a conference room table , a group of highly successful lawyers willing to peel back the curtain on their internal operations . Members are able to share their best strategies with each other . Members also share their most difficult challenges with each other . They learn from and brainstorm with each other , in a manner that is impossible in the Mass Mastermind or Coaching Mastermind model .
Market Exclusivity is critical to the integrity of the group in a Classic Mastermind model . For example , if you are a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta , Georgia , there should be no one else in the group that is or could potentially be signing up personal injury cases in the Atlanta market .
Think about it ; while I might share some general principles that will help you grow your practice , I ’ m not going to peel back the curtain at the same level when there are 30 , 40 or 100 other attendees , some of whom could use my secrets to compete against me . The rationale for market exclusivity is simple but critical ; no one wants to share their best strategies , their vulnerabilities or current obstacles with a competitor . Nor should they . Yet if the members aren ’ t willing or able to share their best strategies with others in the group , none of the participants are getting the value they should out of the experience .
In Classic Mastermind Groups , members build relationships with one another . They have in-depth conversations and delve deeply into the strategies that will build success for individual members . Members are engaged and are willing to roll up their sleeves to brainstorm together in order to help solve each other ’ s problems and challenges . Each member of the group brings their life experience , intellect , knowledge , and strategies to the table . In this way each member of the group learns from all the other members .
Unlike the Coaching Mastermind , which draws mainly on the facilitator ’ s knowledge or ideas , the Classic Model gathers multiple minds and perspectives together , and draws on the brainpower of every member in the group .
Because each member is already successful , each member brings something valuable to the table that the other members can leverage for their own business growth . It is at least a 10:1 ROI . A participant shares one great strategy they implemented in the prior quarter but leaves the meeting with at least ten to twenty additional new strategies .
And because the Classic Mastermind group is small , each member has the time and opportunity to ask detailed questions . Oftentimes , the devil is in the details . Learning a bit about a new strategy in a large group setting is vastly different from having the opportunity to pick 10-20 people ’ s brains for the details necessary to implement a particular strategy .
For example , if you are wondering about purchasing a new case management system or hiring an SEO vendor , you can raise the question to the members of a Classic Mastermind group , and you will be able to obtain immediate and detailed feedback from everyone seated at the table . You have access to how they implemented that exact strategy , as well as the benefit of their hindsight , as to what they would have done differently if they could do it again . It ’ s like being handed a road map or detailed GPS directions . This distinction from the other models is critical .
If your issue is hiring top employees or how to pay your associates , when the question is raised in the Classic Mastermind Model , members of the group will share their hiring process , salary structures , and the rationale behind their decisions and processes . They are also apt to share forms , contracts , templates , or documentation . This kind of sharing is invaluable and can really help lawyers jumpstart growth and implementation of new strategies . It ’ s the kind of sharing that doesn ’ t ’ happen in a Mass Mastermind or Coaching Mastermind group .
In a Classic Mastermind group , members save substantial amounts of time and money because each participant is able to draw on and leverage the knowledge and experience of the other
The Trial Lawyer x 33