The Trial Lawyer Spring 2022 | Page 34

The Coaching Mastermind Model usually has 16 – 20 members and a “ Coach ” or facilitator leading the meetings , which are held several times per year . In the meetings , each member typically has the floor for about 30 – 40 minutes . During their designated time , the members share strategies they are successfully implementing in their business and seek feedback regarding their current challenges . However , most of the feedback will come from the group ’ s facilitator who takes center stage . Two-thirds of the time is usually spent with the “ Coach ” giving his or her suggestions and answers on how to solve the attendee ’ s problems or challenges . The other members of the group only chime in to offer their ideas or insights if there is time remaining .
“ This format is much more like a “ masterclass ” than a Mastermind group . Much emphasis is placed on the facilitator , or “ Coach ” who is apt to do most of the talking . Oftentimes in this model , the Coach may well be marketing their own product or services to the participants .
Pros : If the Facilitator or “ Coach ” is knowledgeable , then attendees should be able to come away from the experience with some valuable information or strategies .
Becoming a part of the Coaching Mastermind is only a matter of filling out a form and paying the registration fee . There is generally no market exclusivity for participants .
Once you are off the hotseat , you are free to “ tune out ” during the meetings , since your insights , ideas or observations are rarely needed .
As you can see , this format is much more like a “ masterclass ” than a Mastermind group . Much emphasis is placed on the facilitator , or “ Coach ” who is apt to do most of the talking . Oftentimes in this model , the Coach may well be marketing their own product or services to the participants .
Like the Mass Mastermind Model , there is rarely if ever a market exclusivity component for attendees . Anyone who wants to join can join . There is little involvement from the other members and little collaborative brainstorming .
Cons : The Coaching Mastermind Model is only as good as the Coach . Your experience as an attendee is limited to the observations and experience of the facilitator . For example , if you are in a legal Mastermind , but the Coach has never built or grown a law firm , they may provide some helpful strategies , but it is unlikely that they will be able to provide the perspective , depth of insights or breadth of experience to ensure you are receiving the maximum value or ROI from the Mastermind experience .
In this Model there is little collaborative brainstorming . Members miss out on the Ideas , Insights , and Strategies the other members of the group could provide .
There is also less engagement from participants and little relationship building . There is a greater likelihood that the “ Coach ” will use the Mastermind to pitch his or her products rather than develop or build a group where the members benefit each other through collaborative thought and relationship building .
Like the Mass Mastermind Group , the Coaching Model can offer value to its members , but I believe this model shortchanges the members and sets the facilitator on a pedestal .
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