all workers are Hispanic . The construction industry in the US is responsible for the highest number of fatalities out of any industry sector , and in 2018 , asbestos inhalation ranked highest among fatal construction site injuries . Today , the EPA estimates that the “ vast majority ” of the nation ’ s public and commercial buildings contain asbestos . Therefore , workers in the construction industry continue to risk asbestos exposure , and companies that employ migrant workers often take advantage of the people they hire without their knowledge . Unfortunately , adequate legal representation for Spanish speakers is still much-needed , and access to this representation will only become more vital , particularly as the Spanish-speaking community continues to grow in the general population and the workforce .
The participation of Spanish speakers in the US workforce is also increasing at an incredible rate . Between 1990 and 2020 , the working Hispanic population grew from 10.7 million to 29 million . The US Department of Labor and Statistics projects that the population will grow
Personal Injury
Medical Malpractice
Mass Tort
Business & Commercial Litigation
Bad Faith Insurance
Construction Defects
Workers ’ Compensation
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to 35.9 million by 2030 . This population is getting larger by the day , particularly in industries that present significant potential health hazards such as construction and agriculture .
In contrast with the pervasiveness of Spanish speakers in the United States , the amount of money and time invested into Spanish language marketing is paltry — especially in the legal field . This is particularly apparent in the pay-per-click advertising space . Pay-per-click refers to the bidding system popularized by Google in which companies that want to drive potential customers to their website bid on various keyword terms they think their audience may search for . For example , a firm may bid on “ class action lawsuit ,” “ lawyer ,” “ legal representation ,” and other related terms . The company that bids the highest secures the top spot in a google search results page , ensuring that their target audience sees their ad first . When someone clicks on the ad , the company is charged for that click based on the bid . It is common for competitors to get into bidding wars , thus driving up the costs of high-value keywords and shrinking the
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The legal field has some of the most expensive keywords in the industry . The basic term “ legal ” has an average cost of nearly $ 6.50 per click . Google recently released a case study in which they compared the cost of English keywords to Spanish keywords , and found that Spanish keywords were up to 70 % less expensive . The Spanish-speaking marketplace is largely being ignored by advertisers , which means that there is a fantastic opportunity to dominate Spanish ad space for a fraction of the cost of English ads .
If we combine that information with the fact that a disproportionate amount of agricultural and construction workers who are exposed to harsh chemicals in the workplace speak Spanish , it becomes clear that there is a huge community of victims potentially unaware of the legal recompense they are entitled to . This is a perfect storm for class action and mass tort firms .
Once a firm has decided on implementing a Spanish-language strategy , it is important to do it the right way . Spanish marketing is not as simple as copying and pasting English advertisements and website copy into Google Translate . Machine translation cannot pick up the cultural nuances or expressions that occur naturally in language . The key to successful Spanish-language marketing ( particularly via Spanish-language Google Ads ), is to build content to reflect exactly what the marketplace is searching for with the help of a native Spanish-speaking team . A machine translation may not match the exact search term a Spanish speaker is using , and if the terms do not match , ads will not be served . It is advisable to work with bilingual experts to ensure that all Spanish-language marketing produced is culturally effective and grammatically sound .
By making Spanish-language marketing a bigger part of the overall outreach strategy , law firms will be providing an invaluable service to a huge community of victims that often go overlooked in the legal field . In addition , these firms that do adopt Spanish-language campaigns will secure strong business from the Spanish-speaking community for years to come in the process of holding irresponsible and negligent corporations accountable . The firms that create campaigns in Spanish sooner rather than later will undoubtedly see rapid growth , and set themselves up to become trusted leaders and protectors of the Spanish-speaking community .
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