The Mass Mastermind Group Model is as the name suggests . It is typically a large group of anywhere from 30 to 70 people and can be to up to 100 or more . These large groups usually meet every three to four months . Since the group is large , not every member is able to speak , share strategies or elicit brainstorming ideas from the group at every meeting . Instead , members of the group apply to be chosen to sit on a hot seat . If selected , that member has the opportunity to get in front of the group for approximately 30 minutes or so , to air out what their issues or challenges are in the hopes of receiving feedback from the group at large . Ideally , members of the group chime in with ideas or strategies .
Typically , these Mass Groups are open to anyone who wishes to attend , without any geographical exclusivity . If you want to participate , you register and show up . You may end up in a group with your competitors or potential competitors . For example , if you are a Dallas personal injury lawyer , there may be a dozen other personal injury lawyers from that same market in attendance .
In some Mass Mastermind groups , there may be smaller break-out sessions where participants are grouped into smaller sections for short periods of time . The smaller groups may be randomly assembled at each meeting or may be comprised of the same small group each time . You may be in a group with one of your competitors . There may or may not be a group facilitator for each small group .
Pros : The Mass Mastermind Model is usually less expensive than the traditional Mastermind model , although that is not always the case .
Since there is no market exclusivity requirement , joining the group is usually as simple as filling out an application or registration form .
There is little responsibility on the part of each member of a Mass Mastermind Group . You can avoid a hot seat altogether , and attend without ever sharing your strategies , or speaking to the group unless you choose to .
Cons : By definition , these large-scale groups have so many members that it is impossible for each member to actively participate . Members cannot share in every meeting . Hot seats are selective . Consequently , there is less value and engagement because each member ’ s participation is so limited . Participants are not able to ask as many questions or obtain the level of feedback that a small group affords . Many members are never selected for hot seats and others may be chosen only once in a year .
Since there is no marketing exclusivity to membership , it is highly unlikely that members will feel safe to share their best strategies or helpful details regarding their law practice , or inside information such as their favorite SEO vendors , PPC strategies , etc . If you know that a competitor is or could be sitting in the same room , would you be willing to share your best strategies or offer your insights or solutions to a potential competitor ? Would you share details like your KPIs ? Of course not . Thus , members are unlikely to learn how other firms operate or obtain other attendees ’ best legal marketing or management strategies .
While the Mass Meeting Model can certainly provide some value to the participants , I do not personally like this model because I believe it takes away the intimacy , full participation , and engagement that is possible in the traditional small group model . While it is often cheaper to join a Mass Mastermind group than to join a more exclusive Traditional Mastermind Group , the intrinsic value of the experience is compromised , and does not compare to that which is achieved in the small group setting of the Classic Mastermind Group .
The Trial Lawyer x 31