Perfecting skills and practices while bringing together hundreds starts with the Trial Lawyers Summit . The main focus of the Trial Lawyers Summit is the practice , profession , and business of the legal industry . On January 30th , the Fontainebleau Miami Beach flooded with 2022 Trial Lawyers Summit registrants ready to join the trial community once again in sunny Miami Beach .
Attendees learned from legal legends during Business of Law sessions that focused on Digital Marketing , Marketing Power , Mike Morse ’ s Fireproof , The New and The Bold , and PILMMA ’ s bonus session . Business of Law speakers included Michael Burg , Steve Nober , Elizabeth Zwibel , and so many more . Courtroom Playbook sessions included Trucking & Auto , Elevating your Practice From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be , and How to Run , Block , Pass & Tackle in the Courtroom . Featured Courtroom Playbook session speakers included John Givens , Brent Goudarzi , LaBarron Boone , Rob Feigenbaum , Mark Lanier , Keith Mitnik , John Romano , and more . Criminal defense gurus such as Mark O ’ Mara , Eric Romano , and Mark Geragos shared strategies that have led to their success during the Criminal Defense Interactive Workshop and Criminal Defense Interactive Session , sponsored by Geragos & Geragos and O ’ Mara Law Group . Other sessions included Trial Ethics , Women ’ s Leadership Forum & Cocktails , sponsored by CARDINAL LifeCare Consulting , Class & Mass , sponsored by Top Class Actions , and NTL for Women ’ s Rights .