From Clicks to Clients : Crafting Powerful Digital Strategies for Your Firm ’ s ROI
Most of us spend an increasing amount of time online , whether perusing social media platforms like Instagram or finding the best burritos in the area for a lunch order . It ’ s no different for those in need of legal services . In fact , 77 percent of potential law firm clients begin their search for an attorney online .
An increasing number of law firms are increasing their leverage of digital in their marketing mix , recognizing that having an online presence is critical for client acquisition , which means there ’ s more competition for the “ top real estate ” on the first page of search results .
What can you do to boost your search rankings and stand out in your market ? Consumer Attorney Marketing Group ’ s digital team has developed a number of tricks and tips to help you attract more clients and get the best return on your marketing investment .
18 x The Trial Lawyer