So most of everyone in this school knows I have the best car here. I own a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Competition Group. This car is AMAZING! I got it for my sixteenth birthday and she still runs as good as the day I got it. Speaking of that distant day, a lot of very interesting things happened that you should know about. I have to warn you, it gets very serious.
The thought of having a third car in the family was exciting yet rose some serious questions. How much can we afford? What are the limits? Will the car last throughout my high school career and then after? Is it going to stay in the family or be used by one person? These questions were thought over a hundred times before the decisions. As a matter of fact, some of these were answered before I was even old enough to talk.
When my sister was about to come into the world, we currently had a black Grand Prix. This car, I have been told, was a really nice car. I had everything you could ask for. My dad fell for this car. It gave him the thought that it would be a good car for him future children. They had to sell the car because after my sister was born, there was no room for three car seats. Also the car smelled like cigarette smoke. However, my father had this feeling that this was not the last time he would set foot in Grand Prix.
Fast-forward about ten years. I am fifteen going on sixteen. It has been a tradition in all families that the kid gets a car for his, (or her), sixteenth birthday. Even with my birthday a few weeks away, we were already looking for cars. There were some cars that I had in mind like a dodge stratus or a ford focus. Of course, my parents have not told me that they already made up their minds on what I was getting. They just thought it was funny to watch me bring up and idea and shoot it down immediately. So now we are about a week from my birthday and that is when they finally told me what they had in mind. They said they were going to get me a Pontiac Grand Prix.
I really didn’t know a lot about this car except that they stopped making them in 2010. So I looked op the car on the dealership and found some exciting news. The car’s full name is Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Competition Group. GTP is the certain kind of body and technology that is on the car. GTP has everything from a sunroof, to chrome rims, to manual TAP-shift. The Competition Group part in it is the added tech on the chassis. It has upgraded tires, suspension and brakes to help maneuverability and increase traction when in tight spaces. I was impressed my not only the stuff in it, but by the fact that it received four stars in all of the safety categories. This may be the perfect car for me.
It is the weekend after my birthday and we are leaving to see the car for the first time. It was a serious deal because my dad called the place a head of time to make sure they were going to be open. It made matter even harder because the car dealership was in Stuartville Minnesota. That is about an hour and forty minutes away and we have never gone that direction before. I was kind of like an adventure and at the end was my car. We left a little late because of various reasons and we were already pressed for time because they said they were going to be there till five. We left at quarter after three and knew that driving in an uncharted area and getting there on time was going to take a miracle.
We were about an hour into the trip when my father realized that there was less time then we needed. At that point, we began to go a little faster. I’d say we were going at least sixty-eight. Sure we gained time but at what cost? Now we were about twenty minutes out when we started to go up a big hill. Dad increased his speed to get over it with time. Right when we got to the peak of the hill, we met a cop car going on the opposite lane. My dad had no chance to slow down before the cop was already past us. We all looked behind us and feared that we would see those lights but we never did. The cop just kept going. A sigh of relief fell on everyone and from that point on, we were going sixty-one.
We finally arrived at the car dealership and met the people who run the place. They were nice and happy to see us. They made a deal that they would come back in two weeks and take it off their hands. The guy agreed and we all left happy and relieved. I was so excited and little did I know that this car would be the thing that is my most prized possession. I have had the car for about a year and a half now and I still get that same feeling I did when I first drove it alone. She still rides like the first day I get into it. Like this, there is also something that will never change. I am forever grateful that my parents got me this car for my sixteenth birthday. I am one lucky person.