The Trees Inside Our Brain | Page 10

How do mice show symptoms of autism? Autism is a human disorder, but mice can show symptoms of autism too. In humans, classical hallmark symptoms of autism include impaired social skills and increased repetitive behaviors. Many autistic patients are awkward socially, and feel compelled to do things like repeatedly flipping a light switch or washing their hands. While mice cannot flip a light switch, they still find other ways to display these same symptoms of autism. Mice often show repeated behavior in the way they groom themselves. In mice that are bred to be autistic, scientists sometimes observe obsessive grooming, which leads to bald spots. Mice also show abnormal social interactions, which is specifically evident in the way autistic female mice care for their litters. Often times, female mice that show autism symptoms cannot or will not take care of their litters, so scientists often set up foster breeding systems to help the litters survive.