A New Sensation - JSonia Primerano - Café Crawling in Montréal
With a generally more conscious population , straying away from huge corporations like Starbucks and the Canadian chain Tim Hortons is almost to be expected . Coffee and café culture in Montréal ( appropriately termed by Montréalers as “ café crawling ” or the “ MTL café crawl ”) represents an appreciation for the coffee beverage and its tastes and smells , rather than solely being a method to boost our energy with
caffeine during our regular morning routines . It ’ s about augmenting the characteristics of its flavours and aromas on our palettes , and for all the coffee connoisseurs and aficionados out there it ’ s even about going as far as being able to identify the varying flavour profiles of different kinds of coffee - from sweet , delicate and mild , to fruity with hints of citrus and apple , to flowery and fragrant , to nutty , spicy , and even chocolaty . Notably , on top of the primary focus on espresso and filter coffees , independent coffee shops are also using alternative coffee methods like syphon , vacuum and pourover to reveal and heighten the naturally occurring flavours in each freshly brewed cup .
The Travellist | Issue 3 | July 2015 p51