The Travellist Issue 3 | Page 47

Spotlight Destination - Johnny Be - The Water Child from Icelandic Birch. The water is on the move again. Beads of sweat depart my brow like so many rats abandoning ship. The Maldives, mirage or mecca? Turquoise Unlike the Gulf Stream, I will soon travel in reverse from ripples seemingly constructed by the great Michelangelo north to south without the benefit of tides. Old questions himself, stars as bright as lanterns, manta rays big as remain unanswered. Do I trade youth and freedom for Chinese kites and then the rain arrives. I am not sure if I modern day convention? How robust is the stock and am home free though of one thing I am certain, as sure what is the end game? If migration feels as natural as as Odin himself smiles down upon his leather clad dis- breathing what will drowning feel like in the 22nd century? ciples, as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the My mouth is dry. west and as sure as the fluid of time surrounds us, I am water. The Travellist | Issue 3 | July 2015 p45