The Travellist Issue 1 October 2014 | Page 53

ERIC XIAO and KYO WU BAGUASHAN BUDDHA SCULPTURE, CHANGHUA - Located on a small hill looming like a guardian deity over the whole of Changhua is the Baguashan Buddha Sculpture. 八卦山大佛 彰化 位 於 彰 化 市 的 小 山 上, 像是守護著整個彰化的神明. GAOMEI WETLANDS, TAICHUNG - A wetland with wind turbines, every sunset is always so beautiful like a blaze of glory. 台中高美濕地 一 個 有 著 整 颱 風 車 的 溼地, 每到夕陽時總是如此的美麗. OCTOB E R 2014 51