The Travellist Issue 1 October 2014 | Page 40

TAIWAN MIKADO PHEASANT - A world-class place for bird watching, observe the path carefully, then, you can see there are so many wonderful birds. 帝雉, the Mikado pheasant, is a kind of shy bird and they love to hunt around the paths in the early mornings and evenings. 帝 雉 為世界級的賞鳥景 點 , 用 心 觀 察 便 可 於林道旁方發現許多美 麗 的 鳥 兒 , 生 性 害羞的帝雉, 喜歡於清 晨 及 黃 昏 時 分 於 林道外圍覓食. 38 OCTOBER 2014