The Travellist Issue 1 October 2014 | Page 34

ERIC XIAO KYO WU KYRIC STUDIO TAIWAN TAIWAN Located on the intersection of subtropical and tropical area and three Eurasian plates, Taiwan has diverse landscapes, climates and astonishing biodiversity. As a result of the abundant natural resources, history and culture, along with the rapid and convenient public transportation system (railways and highways around the island), Taiwan is the perfect destination for travels around the country. 地處亞熱帶及熱帶交界處,加上位於三個板塊 交界處,地形起伏大, 多變得地形和氣候造就了台灣 多樣化的生物像, 台灣因為擁有非常豐富的自然以及 歷史文化,加上交通便利, 有環島鐵路及公路, 非常適 合各種形態的環島旅行. 台灣 32 OCTOBER 2014