The TRADE 77 - Q3 2023 | Page 79

[ S U R V E Y | E X E C U T I O N M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M S ]


FlexTrade is an industry pioneer in broker-neutral execution management trading platforms and offers three buy-side solutions with EMS functionality - FlexTRADER EMS , FlexONE and Spark EMS . Over the past year , FlexTrade has made strides in building out its multi-asset class solution , FlexTRADER EMS , and has achieved strong growth across its products and business overall . Earlier this year , FlexTrade announced the launch of FlexA , a voice-activated application that provides a layer of AI across its flagship FlexTRADER EMS to simplify the interaction between trader and technology to easily and intuitively work with vast swathes of data . FlexTrade received 38 ratings from the buy-side this year , which is up slightly from the 35 received in 2022 and places the vendor fourth in terms of total number of responses to the survey .

FlexTrade recorded an overall average score of 6.04 in this year ’ s survey , which despite falling 13 basis points below its 2022 score of 6.17 , lands firmly above the survey average ( 5.94 ). FlexTrade outperformed the benchmarks in nine of thirteen functional aspects of service under review , with the most significant being
the key areas of client service personnel and product development , where the vendor scored 36 basis points above the category average . Unsurprisingly other areas of outperformance include breadth of asset class coverage (+ 0.24 ) and breadth of broker algorithms (+ 0.16 ). Despite strong performance overall , FlexTrade only recorded year-over-year improvements in three areas : client service personnel (+ 0.17 ), reliability and availability (+ 0.13 ) and breadth of asset class coverage (+ 0.05 ). FlexTrade lowest scores in this year ’ s survey were overall cost of operation ( 5.70 ) and ease of integration to internal systems ( 5.71 ).
Over 60 % of clients responding to FlexTrade were from buy-side firms managing upward of $ 50 billion in assets . In terms of desired additional capabilities from respondents this year , clients noted a need for more sophisticated automated routing and listening logic , enhanced data visualisation and analytics tools , and increased breadth of venue connectivity . Sticking with the AI theme , one respondent requested additional capabilities around using AI / machine learning to come up with trading strategy recommendations .
Reliability and availability
Client service personnel
Handling of new versions / releases
Breadth of broker algorithms
Timeliness of updates for broker changes
FIX capabilities
6.36 6.19 6.40 5.97 5.82 6.20 5.93 6.26
Breadth of asset class coverage
Breadth of direct connections to venues
Product development
Ease of integration to internal systems
Overall cost of operation
Average score
5.96 6.04 6.01 5.71 5.70 6.04
KEY STATS Overall Outperformer : Category Outperformer : X9


Highest score ( client service personnel )


Lowest score ( overall cost of operation )

+ 0.17

Most improved ( client service personnel )


Least improved ( ease of integration to internal systems )
Issue 77 // thetradenews . com // 79