The TRADE 77 - Q3 2023 | Page 35

[ I N D E P T H | A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E ]
traders need to pay the lowest cost and have the best liqudity across a wide swathe of trading , AI is able to lower costs , scale humans and make the process much more efficient so you can do more with less and you can handle lots of market environments . Broadly , it ' s going to affect pretty much every part of fixed income - it ' s just a
“ AI is able to lower costs , scale humans and make the process much more efficient so you can do more with less and you can handle lots of market environments .”
CHRIS BRUNER , CHIEF PRODUCT OFFICER AT TRADEWEB more and more impactful , especially in the execution process . AI has the ability to amplify the ways in which traders operate , allowing them to scale their processes and make complex decisions in a more informed way . The technology , which has somewhat evolved from automation in the pre-trade stage , where data is used to create rules for low-touch trading , and is shifting towards more complex hightouch trades .
“ We now have a sea of data , the question is how you use AI to deal with and manage that sea of data in intelligent ways to bring the most important things up to the top and how do you deal with attention in the sea of data ,” notes Chris Bruner , chief product officer at Tradeweb .
“ To execution , which is more concrete , where matter of how .”
AI is able to assist in decision making processes when determining the timing of a trade , what dealers to use and all the other parameters that go into making a trading decision . These tools are able to optimise the decision that traders are making , but AI is only as good as the data that goes into it .
“ These models are very good at looking at historical information with a level of statistical significance , giving an estimation of what might happen in the future based on all the different parameters that one looks at right now ,” says Lisa Schirf , global head of data and Analytics at Tradeweb .
“ They ' re very good at doing it in a way where humans simply can ' t take that much information into account . Liquidity is certainly an area that can be predicted whether it ' s for security or overall market .” Targeting liquidity is an ever-
Issue 77 // thetradenews . com // 35