The TRADE 63 - Q1 2020 | Page 66

[ I N - D E P T H | S T O C K C O N N E C T S ] best d a b The idea ever Stock links and connects are highly contrived and usually unnecessary, but Richard Meyer finds out that when they are needed, they tend to work well. M arket linkages have been all the rage in East Asia for a number of years, with no shortage of announcements, memoranda of understanding and high-level discussions on trading connections between exchanges. Despite all the excitement and noise, very little has actually been accomplished. Few of the connections have succeeded in getting even beyond the drawing board. Only a couple actually work. The region is littered with dead projects and dashed hopes. Even the success stories are qualified successes, existing only because the conditions are right and viable only as long as those conditions remain. 66 // TheTRADE // Spring 2020