[ I N - D E P T H
M C G R AT H ]
his life is, quite frankly, incredible. Again, he puts this
down to mental strength.
“I’d say an ultra-marathon is at least 99% mental -
they forge character far more than they do fitness,”
McGrath says. “The uncourageous don’t try and the
weak give in. It’s rare I don’t rationalise giving up on
most long races as the most responsible thing to do.
I’ve come to enjoy overcoming the mental chatter and
using ultras to tap into a well of mental and physical
reserves that I believe we all have, but rarely get to
call upon.”
Anyone in a front-office trading role within the
capital markets will have had to boast some of the
characteristics that McGrath values so highly. Dedica-
tion, resilience and focus to name a few. Some might
event view the individuals in these roles as the indus-
try’s own elite performers. But while we often look
to athletes and celebrities for inspiration, McGrath’s
story may serve as a source of motivation from within
the industry for anyone looking to elevate both their
career and personal growth story.
After soaring through the echelons of the military
hierarchy, McGrath has shown that a disciplined
regime can benefit any aspect of your career, personal
life and fitness, no matter your circumstances or age.
His journey has made for an incredible story, but also
“If I have any super powers it’s a
belief that anything is possible.”
58 // TheTRADE // Spring 2020
a lesson in what can be achieved
with the right mindset and plan-
“I think it’s possible to endure
most things if you believe in what
you’re doing - fitness or other-
wise,” he concludes. “What feeds
motivation is upstream, what you
choose to give your time and tal-
ents to - not in the moment things
get difficult. Whether I’m burning
midnight oil at work, helping a
daughter with her homework or
running through cramp on an
overnight race, what ultimately
fuels me is a fundamental belief
that what I’m doing is important
and worth the effort.
“So, I try and get ahead of this
by having a really structured
approach to goal setting, so I can
be sure everything I commit to is
aligned to what matters the most.
Thereafter it’s just one step after
the other.”
McGrath’s book – Be Para Fit is
available now on Amazon – and all
royalties are going to the Para-
chute Regiment’s charity - Support
Our Paras - helping those veterans
and their families in need.