The TRADE 63 - Q1 2020 | Page 53

[ I N - D E P T H | S A M M C G R AT H ] front-office to the A s a paratrooper I was shot at, shelled, lost friends and saw many live through life-changing injuries. But having spent nearly as long going to work in a suit as in body armour, Iā€™m not sure our minds can distinguish between someone sniping at you on the battlefield or on the trading floor ā€“ both take their toll.ā€ For Sam McGrath, a strong mindset has created the foundations on which he has built his life. From rising through the ranks within the British Parachute Regiment and scaling the heights of the investment banking world, to professionally compet- ing in ultra-marathons and raising four children, he attributes his achievements Issue 63 // // 53