[ C O V E R
M I L L E R ]
Life on the
front lines
Invesco’s head trader for EMEA equities, David Miller, has spent almost 40 years
on the frontlines of the European trading landscape. The winner of The TRADE’s
prestigious buy-side lifetime achievement award winner talks to John Brazier about
his career from the floor of the London Stock Exchange in the 1980’s to Invesco’s
trading desk today, and why the buy-side are now the primary price makers in the
market. Photography by Claudia Gannon.
here probably aren’t that many
people in the UK that can claim
to have four consecutive gener-
ations of heritage in the trading
world, but Invesco’s head trad-
er for EMEA equities, David
Miller, is one such example.
The most recent recipient of
The TRADE’s prestigious buy-side lifetime achieve-
ment award has spent the better part of 40 years on
trading’s front lines, taking up the Miller family man-
tle, and has been an up close and personal witness
to unprecedented levels of operational and cultural
change during that time.
“My father was a broker, my
grandfather was a broker and my
great-grandfather was a broker.
There is one person I know of who
has traded with all four genera-
tions; he was a broker while I was
a jobber, and he was jobber when
the other three were walking
around on the exchange floor with
carnations. He died a few years
ago, but I would challenge any-
body to claim to have dealt with
all four generations of Millers.”
Miller began his career in the
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