The TRADE 62 - Q4 2019 | Page 28

[ T H O U G H T L E A D E R S H I P | R E F I N I T I V ] A vision of the trading desk in 2024 The trading desk of the future has been identified by buy-side and capital markets participants in a technology survey by Refinitiv and Greenwich Associates. How do they think artificial intelligence, big data and analytics will benefit their industry by 2024? I n partnership with Refinitiv, Greenwich Associates has conducted a survey of capital markets trends with a specific focus on technology, the data explosion and the skills that will be necessary for future success. In the first of three reports, we look at the impact of technology on the trading desk of the future. Some 78% of respondents believe technology has made financial markets better and more efficient. While not unexpected, this finding serves to strengthen our conviction that the fintech revolution is set to continue apace, and that innovation will have an ongoing and significant impact on financial markets over the next few years. The detailed responses, however, identified differing opinions and interesting insights into exactly where and how market participants expect technology to have the greatest Figure 1 28 // TheTrade // Winter 2019