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[ A D V E R T O R I A L ] Iceberg Plus – through which par- ticipants can simultaneously access the lit order book and SwissAtMid. Prior to the “Plus” orders, SIX had already introduced a “Sweep” order, enabling participants to look for midpoint liquidity in SwissAt- Mid before routing to the lit order book of the exchange in a single step. Both of the new order types allow participants automatically to execute at the best price available across the two liquidity pools. As this was not included in the ex- change’s mandatory release earlier in the year, we expect system pro- viders who have not yet done so to implement this functionality over the course of the coming months. Technology Complementing these trading developments, SIX has also been working on expanding connectivity options. Over the past few years, connectivity costs and latency have become an issue for exchange participants globally. SIX intro- duced a London Access Point in March 2015 and in January 2018 installed an additional Access Point in Frankfurt, providing partici- pants fast, low-cost access to the SIX trading platform and obviating the need for London or Frank- furt-based participants to lease their own lines to the exchange. A second initiative in the connec- tivity area, known as 12Horizon or 12H, is a joint venture to provide low-latency access for Swiss securities trading via radio-fre- quency technology, which enables significantly faster transmission of data. 12H creates four Euro- pean hubs – London, Frankfurt, Milan and Zurich – and relays electromagnetic wave frequencies between towers located along the most direct routes between trading centres. This technology, for ex- ample, allows participants to send market data at 99.97% of the speed of light, as many as 1000 times in one second between Frankfurt and Zurich, back and forth. New offerings Next in the pipeline is a secure internet-based front-end tool for bond issuers. Called Deal Pool, it will allow syndicate banks in the fixed income space to communi- cate with investors and connect to existing tools in an intuitive way. The automated workflow includes the announcement of new issues,