The TRADE 57 | Page 3
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Where has the time gone?
It’s autumn already and where has the time gone? Seems like it was
just yesterday that we were anticipating what the New Year would
bring, and yet here we are, nine full months later, somehow. Nine
months; you could make a brand new human being in that time.
There’s been a lot to keep up with so far this year and the pace seems
to have truly picked up again now that the hazy, not-quite-lazy days of
summer have passed. Events season is in full swing and the confer-
ences are coming thick and fast.
The TRADE has already taken a trip to sunny Barcelona to remind
ourselves what summer weather looks like, not to mention cover this
year’s TradeTech FX Europe event following up on our April sojourn
to Paris for its equities counterpart. The European road show will
keep chugging on later this year when we pitch up in Amsterdam for
the Fixed Income Leaders Summit in early November, so keep an eye
out for our unparalleled coverage of the two-day event.
While it does feel sometimes like 2018 has been something of a blur
so far, there have been some constants that have acted as anchors
throughout, tethering us to the grounded reality of the world we live
and work in as it hurtles by.
No more so than MiFID II – stop groaning – which we have taken
a closer look at nine months into its lifespan. When The TRADE
reviewed the state of the market earlier this year we found that par-
ticipants were still grappling to adjust to the new environment; now it
seems that firms have settled into life with their new responsibilities
and are beginning to show some confidence.
But that’s not to say they’re getting too cocky just yet. There’s always
plenty of work to be done when it comes to compliance and if the
rumour mill is right (Disclaimer: The TRADE takes no responsibility
for the produce of the rumour mill), non-compliance punishments are
more likely to happen than not.
Speaking of punishments, we have also taken a gander at the ongoing
minefield of ambiguity and disarray that is Brexit. With time fast
running out until the UK lumbers out of the European Union’s exit
door with, as of the time of writing, no deal or clear idea of what to do
once it’s gone, financial firms are beginning to act on their contingency
How it will all plan out is anyone’s guess, but chances are we’ll arrive
at that situation before we know it. It’s now been over 10 years since
Lehman Brothers fell and ushered in a new era
for the financial markets worldwide, but in some
senses, they are now only just beginning to take
their first steps into the future.
John Brazier
Issue 57 // // 3