The TRADE 2019 Algo Survey - Hedge Fund | Page 7

[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G Hedge fund 2019 Hedge fund 2018 Hedge fund 2017 Figure 5: Algorithm usage by value traded (% of responses) 7.05 0.50 Not answered 5.00 6.17 6.43 0 - 5% 8.56 2.64 7.43 5 - 10 % 10 - 20% 7.96 7.93 4.95 6.78 8.41 20 - 30% 13.57 5.73 30 - 40% 15.34 3.24 40 - 50% 7.92 12.33 8.55 6.61 3.47 50 - 60% 11.50 8.37 60 - 70% 13.37 6.19 70 - 80% 16.34 7.08 18.50 24.67 15.84 >80% 0.0 S U R V E Y ] 5.0 10.0 15.0 21.53 20.0 25.0 Issue 60 // // 83