The TRADE 2018 Algo Survey - Long Only | Page 19

[ A L G O R I T H M I C T R A D I N G S U R V E Y ] Liquidnet L Respondents were primarily from the mid to large- iquidnet saw a marked increase in the percentage sized brackets, with an equal split between the $1-10 of responses it drew in this year’s long-only algo billion, $10-50 billion and more than $50 billion in survey more than doubling its percentage of responses AuM ranges. Most respondents were active only in from the previous year by recording 4.26% of the total. the equities space, with around one-third also trading The firm received generally favourable scores from foreign exchange products. Two-thirds of respondents respondents, and although there were several year- recorded increased usage of Liquidnet algos compared on-year decreases, still maintained a strong position in to the previous year and almost three-quarters use this year’s survey, scoring higher than average in most Liquidnet algos exclusively. of the 14 categories reviewed. Almost half of long-only firms said they are consid- Anonymity, dark pool access, reducing market im- ering using algos from other providers, with a range of pact and ease of use all attracted scores higher than 6, additional functionalities mentioned, including access although there were decreases for Liquidnet’s speed, to systematic internalisers, optimised large-in-scale customer support Liquidnet and, most noticeably, crossing capa- interaction, and finding liquidity outside the spreads. bilities. Crossing was a particular area of strength for Improve Reduce Just under half Ex of ecution Liquidnet’s long-only respondents Liquidnet in last year’s survey; however, this decline Cost providers Speed trader use impact Bloomberg ESMX with other EMS is in line with the wider Year survey results for long-only market consistency including ITG, Charles River and Eze. firms this year. productivity 2018 LIQUIDNET RATINGS FOR ALGORITHM 2017 PERFORMANCE 5.68 5.77 6.11 6.34 5.57 5.62 4.92 4.88 Improve trader productivity 5.36 2018 2017 5.85 5.68 5.77 6.11 Reduce market impact 6.34 5.57 5.62 Execution consistency Cost 4.92 4.88 5.36 Speed 5.85 6.27 6.27 Anonymity 5.52 5.51 Price improvement 4.92 5.11 Customisation 6.05 Ease of use 5.44 Crossing 6.12 5.84 Customer support Execution consulting 6.45 6.32 5.66 5.02 Dark pool access 5.74 6.13 5.40 5.28 Smart order routing capabilities 0.00 1.0 0 2.00 3.00 4.0 0 5.00 6.0 0 7.00 Issue 55 // // 91