The Towner January/February Issue Volume 1 | Page 20
During Kevin’s stint as the
Senior Editor of The Miami
Times, the paper was awarded 6 national awards at the
National Newspaper Publishers Association [NNPA], including Publication of the
Year - general excellence in
Former Senior Editor of the Miami Those who are positive-minded underTimes D. Kevin McNeir resigned stand the necessity of both tasks. I
this past December after a very successful tenure bringing the paper back
to notoriety and esteem. Here’s a
letter he wrote to those whom may
not have known he has resigned as
well as the dear friends and faithful
readers of his work:
have honored my parents as the Bible
prescribes. But I have also taken time
to heal myself, another Biblical tenet.
Don't worry South Florida -- I have
projects on the horizon and you will
see evidence of them very soon. God
has great work in store for me -- and I
“Without much fanfare, I recently left do know the pulse in South Florida.
my position at The Miami Times as the Blessings to you all.”
senior editor, in order to return home
-Dominic Kevin McNeir
and help my mother care for my dad,
who suffered a debilitating stroke in
November. But I also needed to take
care of me.