2 From the Chair
The dichotomy of the philanthropically-funded Arts In Medicine
holidays is that our lives program. This program was created to integrate
become warmer as the music, visual arts and performing arts to promote
temperature becomes healing and enhance the lives of our patients,
cooler. Families. Friends. families and employees. While its benefits may
A spirit of generosity and concern for one another. seem theoretical, there is qualitative and quantitative
The challenge is carrying that benevolent spirit research to prove its effectiveness. Numerous
throughout the year – when commercials and studies have proven that these services reduce stress,
family gatherings cease to remind us of its decrease pain and anxiety, lower blood pressure and
importance. stabilize heart rates. I am reminded that it is not
I can truly say that we should look no further just the relief of physical symptoms Baylor Scott &
than Baylor Scott & White Health for an example White is seeking. Our care is focused on healing
of having that spirit year-round. This health care the whole patient, and the emotional and spiritual
system uniquely cares for the whole patient. comfort is central to this program.
Carolyn Brown testified to her personal As the spirit of the holidays enriches our lives this
experience at Baylor Scott & White at our annual season, let us remember that same spirit is active
Celebrating Women luncheon in late October. across our system. The work of our Baylor Scott &
Not only did Baylor Scott & White provide the White teams to provide care, day in and day out,
medical treatments necessary to place her stage III helps make our community a healthier and happier
triple negative breast cancer in remission, it place.
provided chaplains, genetic counselors and child
May you all have a merry Christmas and
life specialists who walked her son through the
happy holidays.
mysterious, frightening journey of his mother’s
illness. Many of Carolyn’s care team members, over
20 strong, joined her on stage in what was one of
the most poignant demonstrations of the myriad
ways healing is administered that I have ever
Norm Bagwell
Yet another service that exhibits Baylor Scott &
Chair, Board of Directors
W h it e ’s c a r i n g s pi r it i s t he e nt i r e l y
Baylor Health Care System Foundation