Lee Jarmon Alzheimer’s Pro Am Golf Tournament benefits Baylor AT&T
Memory Center
This fall Rowland K. Robinson,
In 2013, philanthropic support
to navigate this complicated,
Center, an innovative model of care
It was the 28th anniversary of the
president of Baylor Health Care
launched the Baylor AT&T Memory
received a check for $145,000 in
that provides important, enhanced
Lee Jarmon Alzheimer’s Pro Am Golf
diagnose, treat, and provide social,
Foundation has been selected as
System Foundation, gratefully
support of the Baylor AT&T Memory
Center. The check represented
proceeds from the Lee Jarmon
Alzheimer’s Pro Am Golf Tournament
at Gleneagles Country Club, chaired
by Steve Folsom and Matt Bryan.
capabilities and resources to
emotional, and spiritual support for
patients afflicted with Alzheimer’s
and dementia and their families.
“Aging is inevitable, but aging well
Baylor Scott & White Health serves a
is not,” said Rowland. “Thanks to the
Texans in North and Central Texas. As
organizations like the Lee Jarmon
population of more than 9.3 million
this population ages, health care
providers are challenged to provide
medical support for patients afflicted
with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Golf Tournament, the Memory
Center is able to connect patients
and families in North Texas with the
team, tools and support they need
devastating disease.”
Tournament and the first year the
beneficiary. Lee Jarmon was a
successful business and family man
who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
in the 1980s.
For more information about
the Baylor AT&T Memory Center,
contact Tim Moore at 214.820.7877
or [email protected].
David Howe, Elisa Stephens, Matt Bryan, Rowland K. Robinson,
Steve Folsom, Kimberly Doyle and Stacy Stephens