Baylor Dallas performs
record number of organ
In September, surgical teams took part in a record-setting
day of organ transplantation at Baylor University Medical
Center at Dallas. Surgeons on the medical staff performed
nine organ transplants on seven patients in one calendar day.
The nine organ transplants took place at on Sept. 1. Three
additional organs were transplanted in the early morning
hours of Sept. 2, bringing the total to 12 organs transplanted in 25 hours.
“I am very proud of this milestone,” said Göran
Klintmalm, M.D., Ph.D., chief and chairman of Baylor
Annette C. and Harold C. Simmons Transplant Institute.
“This is a collaboration of more than 150 people coming
together in a short amount of time to change the lives of these
patients,” Dr. Klintmalm added.
The surgeries performed during the record-breaking 24
hours included:
n One heart transplant
n Two lung transplants (one double lung, one single lung)
n Three kidney transplants
n Three liver/kidney transplants (multi-organ transplants)
The organs helped save the lives of nine patients, including a grandfather from Louisiana, a Texas state trooper, a
North Texas veterinarian and a young Atlanta resident living with kidney disease. All traveled to the Dallas hospital
for their much-anticipated surgeries. Two of the transplants
were from living kidney donors, in both cases a wife giving
the gift of life to her husband.
“There are only a handful of centers that have the
Baylor Dallas transplant milestones
This record day of organ transplantation is the latest achievement for the program, which is credited with a number
of milestones, including:
First and only adult living liver donor program in
North Texas
First islet cell transplant in North Texas
First certified ventricular assist device (VAD)
program in the U.S.
First matched, unrelated donor bone marrow
transplant in Texas
First adult liver transplant in the Southwest