Memory Center named in
honor of AT&T
aylor Health Care
System Foundation is
pleased to announce that the
Baylor Memory Center has
been named in honor of AT&T. Their
lead gift was the catalyst for the most
recent expansion of Baylor’s dementia
and Alzheimer’s services.
The Baylor AT&T Memory Center
opened in renovated and expanded
space in August. It offers additional
diagnostic and treatment options along
with enhanced programs and
services for patients and
families challenged with
a diagnosis of dementia,
including Alzheimer’s
In addition to the lead
gift from AT&T, additional support for the new
Baylor AT&T Memory Center
includes grants from Denny Alberts
and Cynthia Comparin, Hal and
Diane Brierley, Donor-advised fund
at the Communities Foundation of
Texas supported by Anne and Harris
Clark and The David B. Miller Family
Foundation. These gifts total nearly $3
million toward the Foundation’s $10
million fundraising goal.
More than 5 million people in the
United States have Alzheimer’s disease.
Few programs in the country offer
patients faced with this diagnosis the
type of focused, comprehensive services
made available at the Memory Center.
“This enhanced program will help
patients get acce