Two very positive developments are
highlighted in this edition of the torch. We
opened the beautiful new Baylor Scott &
White Medical Center – Waxahachie. This
is one of the first hospitals to proudly carry
our new name. This remarkable new facility
sits at Interstate 35 and Highway 287 and
will serve the fast-growing region to the
south of Dallas.
The other noteworthy development is the
opening of the Baylor AT&T Memory Center
located at Central and Park Lane. This
comprehensive care site is staffed with
extraordinary professionals to assist
patients and their families with the
challenges of dementia, including
Alzheimer’s. It is open for business!
Throughout the years, it has been my
pleasure to share many examples of
progress and growing momentum at
Baylor. The combination with Scott & White
is going well and, poignantly, system-wide
clinical leadership was at its very best
when we were forced to deal with the
ramifications of the Ebola crisis. Caregivers
from throughout the Baylor Scott & White
Health system came together singlemindedly with a thoughtful, comprehensive
plan to deal with this challenge.
Claudine Burton-Jeangros, a sociology
professor at the University of Geneva said
that panic over the disease springs from a
paradox at the heart of modern life:
“The more we master the world through
science and technology the more
frightened we are of those things we can’t
control or understand. We live in very
secure societies and like to think we know
what will happen tomorrow. There is no
place in our rational and scientific world for
the unknown.”
Fortunately, our caregivers are a
remarkably cohesive medical community.
By maintaining our culture and staying true
to our mission, we not only respond
effectively to the current challenges, but
we also stand ready to take on the future
with a positive outlook that honors the
heritage of our institution.
The current crisis will pass, but it will
require diligent efforts throughout the
System to maintain our momentum.
However, with the assistance of the entire
Baylor community, staff, patients and
friends, I have no doubt that we will
Rowland K. Robinson
Baylor Health Care System Foundation
[email protected]