Deerbrook gift aids Baylor’s
rapid response to Ebola crisis
n 2011, when The Deerbrook
Charitable Trust made a generous
$12.4 million grant to improve care
for geriatric patients, no one could
have predicted the funding would also have
an unintended, but instrumental impact in
Baylor Scott & White Health’s response to
the recent Ebola crisis.
“The resources, capabilities, equipment
and people funded through the Deerbrook
grant were instrumental in enabling us to
rapidly respond to the Ebola crisis with
educational materials for our staff on the
front lines,” said Dora Bradley, Ph.D.,
RN-BC, FAAN, vice president of nursing
professional development Baylor Scott &
White Health – North. “We were able to
immediately create and disseminate videos and e-learning modules on how to
properly screen patients and safely put on
and remove personal protective equipment. This information gave our staff confidence in their ability to safely and effectively manage any situation that could
have occurred.”
O ver t he pa st t hree yea rs, t he
Deerbrook funding has helped create
globally accessible education materials
for geriatric care including mobile apps,
iBooks and 120 e-learning modules.
Topics include best practices for assessing and dealing with the challenges of
dementia, managing medications and
preventing pressure ulcers. This information has been well received nationally and
internationally, with more than 20,000
U.S. users and more than 5,000 users
residing outside the U.S.
For more information re