the torch Summer 2017, Issue 2 | Page 6

Margo Goodwin : Stepping down but staying close

Margo Goodwin may be stepping down from her role as chair of the Baylor Health Care System Foundation board , but she ’ s not going far . She ’ s planning on remaining on the board — though in a less conspicuous way .
She ’ s looking forward to supporting her successor , Norm Bagwell , and she ’ s ready to give up the spotlight : “ I ’ m really looking forward to sitting in the back of the room ,” Margo joked . For the last three years , she ’ s served as the emcee of every quarterly board meeting .
Margo ’ s Baylor connections began long before she joined the Foundation board . Her father was the chair of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston . Prior to that he practiced neurosurgery at Scott & White in Temple , Texas . Later , her son , Grady , completed his residency at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas and met his future wife , who was one of his attending physicians . Margo ’ s daughter and son have given her six grandchildren — four of which were born at Baylor
In 2005 , Margo was asked to join the Foundation board . She had just wrapped up her role as chair of the 2004 Crystal Charity Ball . She accepted the invitation to join and jumped right in ; in 2006 she chaired the Celebrating Women luncheon which supported Baylor initiatives in the fight against breast cancer .
Margo joined the board around the same time Rowland K . Robinson became president of the Foundation and was excited about the changes he sought — one of which was accelerating fundraising initiatives .
During Margo ’ s tenure , the Foundation launched Campaign 2015 : Baylor Makes Us All Better , a comprehensive campaign with a goal of raising $ 250 million .
“ It was their first comprehensive campaign in 100 years , and it was a very brave and necessary move ,” Margo said . “ The leadership and the board could see that this was the direction we needed to go , and they exceeded their goal . It has had a huge impact on the service that Baylor can provide .”
Though Margo may not remain center stage , she ’ ll still have plenty of chances to talk about the amazing care that happens at Baylor . She said it ’ s rare to attend a dinner party , or even stand in the checkout line at the grocery store , without bumping into someone who wants to talk with her about Baylor . And because of her experience on the board , she ’ s ready for just about any discussion .
“ Very often , topics come up over the dinner table with friends or at a cocktail party , and they ’ ll say , ‘ Oh , my husband is having trouble recuperating after his heart surgery ,’ and we will have just had a meeting on cardiac rehab after heart surgery ,” Margo said . She added that this is true of just about any condition , from breast cancer to orthopedics .
Having this sort of knowledge is a testament to the caliber of speakers and topics of quarterly board meetings . “ These are always cuttingedge , educational topics .”
That ’ s not by accident . “ Of course , we want and need board member ’ s financial support . But , their advocacy in the community is just as important ,” Margo said . “ During our board meetings , we want to give them timely information about what Baylor is doing that ’ s unique and different , and what kind of quality they can expect should they or one of their loved ones or friends ever need care at Baylor .”
“ You need to stretch and grow and not be afraid to fail . ... So I learned to do whatever it took , to research , to know all the facts , to try to gain consensus with fellow volunteers , but not lose the strength of my own convictions .”
— Margo Goodwin