2 From the President
Earn This
As I wrote this column
On June 30th, Margo Goodwin’s term as our
on Memoria l Day, I
Foundation board chair comes to an end.
reflected on the movie Saving Private Ryan. At the end For all my life, I have been fortunate to have been
of the film, a dying, thirty-year-old Captain Miller surrounded by strong-willed, hardworking and
(portrayed by Tom Hanks) says to the young Private purpose-driven women.
Ryan: “Earn this.”
Like Margo, they all possess natural leadership
What he communicated in those two words was: skills. They are masters of opportunity management —
“You’ve received the gift of life and liberty. Now it is keeping us all in check while running a family
your responsibility to live in a way that honors the household, and/or a business, while, at the same time,
sacrifice that others have made. Make your world supporting many other initiatives that they believe in.
They are organized, full of love, spiritually aligned
As I thought about those words, I couldn’t help but
and well-balanced. Leaders like Margo are master
think about the men and women of Baylor Scott &
multi-taskers and highly collaborative.
White Health. As we come to the end of a challenging Looking for respect more than recognition, leaders
fiscal year in an uncertain environment, I am inspired like Margo don’t seek to become the star of the show,
by my colleagues and our leadership across Texas. Each but rather they enable others to create a great show.
day, they continue to innovate, empower each other Leaders like Margo understand survival, renewal
and drive for new levels of excellence. Their passion and and reinvention. They have grit and are not afraid to
dedication give me confidence in the future. fight for what they believe in.
My teammates have embraced the challenges of the
Over the past several years, Margo has stood for
day and are making sacrifices and working hard to Baylor, and for that, we will be forever grateful!
provide outstanding care for our community, today Thanks for everything, GOOD FRIEND!
and in the years to come. They “earn it,” to make the
world better every day.
Rowland K. Robinson
President, Baylor Health Care System Foundation
[email protected]