2 From the Chair
Gratitude unlocks the lovely gift to support the Arts in Medicine program
fullness of life. It turns at Baylor Dallas, which will help bring the healing
what we have into power of arts and music to our patients across the
enough, and more. It hospital.
i nt o The spirit of giving was celebrated in the Boone
acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It Powell Sr. Society Luncheon and the Kick-Off Tea
can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a for the Celebrating Women luncheon. Our donors
stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our are caring people who give to provide others access
past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for to quality medical care, sometimes out of gratitude
tomorrow. for care they or a family member has received, and
And I am grateful to you who are taking a moment
just as often solely because they see the need to invest
to read this! Not because these words are profound
in quality care for our community.
or even a unique point of view. I am grateful because And quality care comes in many forms: the great
if you are receiving the torch – you are a Baylor doctors certainly, but also our excellent nursing staff,
supporter! And for THAT, I am forever grateful! technicians, researchers, administrators and
It has been a very busy and exciting spring at the volunteers. From the folks that deliver meals, clean
Foundation. Thanks to generous donors, we have rooms, and push wheel chairs to the medical
raised more than $14 million for Hope Lodge Dallas, interventionists and surgeons, Baylor is focused on
which brings us so much closer to completing the YOU and your needs, practicing quality care!
funding for this ‘home-away-from-home’ for patients I want you to know that my gratitude will always
receiving cancer care in Dallas. We’re starting to see be for each of you who are a part of the Baylor family!
promising results from the philanthropically-funded This is my last torch column, and I am pleased to
research for those fighting pancreatic cancer – we are turn over my pen to Norm Bagwell! Norm is the
especially grateful for this news since this type of perfect choice to chair the Foundation board, and I
cancer is notoriously hard to treat! We also received a know he will do a fantastic job.
Margo Goodwin
Chair, Board of Directors
Baylor Health Care System Foundation