Meded profile
iana Endicott-Yazdani, M.D.,
Ph.D., is an intern in the internal
medicine residency program at
Baylor University Medical Center at
Dallas. Her ultimate goal is to become an infectious disease doctor. She earned her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and her
M.D. and Ph.D. degrees at Texas A&M Health
Science Center. During medical school, her
research focused on microbial and molecular
pathogenesis, specifically the molecular mechanisms that allow Salmonella Typhimurium to
withstand the innate immune response.
What brought you to Baylor?
When Texas A&M Health Science Center and
Baylor Dallas came together to allow third- and fourthyear medical students to do clinical rotations at Baylor
Dallas, it was one of the happiest days of my life. It
meant that after six long years of being apart from my
husband, we could finally be together again. So many
things at Baylor Dallas impressed me, and I decided it
was where I wanted to continue the next phase of my
training. I am proud to be a member of the internal
medicine resident training program.
Are there any research projects you are involved
in that excite you?
I am currently working with Dr. Cristie
Columbus, Dr. Edward Pearson and Dr. Rahaf
Al Masri on a project affecting one of the most
vulnerable populations at Baylor — the
immune-compromised transplant population.
What differentiates Baylor from other health
care organizations?
Organizations are defined by the people who
work for them. Baylor is special because of the
quality, evidence-based medicine practiced by caring, compassionate individuals. This compassion
is evident in many — from the transporter to the
technician to the nurse to the social worker. Baylor
integrates the best treatments with caring, passionate individuals.
Where did you grow up? Do you have a childhood experience that shaped how you think?
Growing up in McKinney, Texas, helped shape
me. It is this fantastic, historic small town, which
has grown tremendously over the years. I played
softball for McKinney High School as the pitcher.
The experience of being a pitcher taught me to face
a challenge head on and to look deep inside when
it seemed like everything was working against me.
It taught me to be strong and how to address
I also love the outdoors. As a little girl, I grew up
going fishing with my dad. Even now if I have a
free weekend, I get my father and head to the lake
for some quality quiet time in nature.
If you weren’t a medical intern, what occupation
would you want to try?
I would love to be a forest ranger for the National
Park Service. I want to visit all of the national
parks at some point in my life. I am recharged
when I a m in nature so t he idea of
having a career as a forest ranger is pretty
Most people would be surprised to know
that ... I was in a barbershop chorus with my
mother called The Rich-tones. I had a wonderful
time making beautiful harmonies and dancing
at international competitions for the Sweet
Adelines. My mother still sings with them. For
now, I enjoy sitting in
the audience enjoying
the music. I hope that
one day I will be able
to participate again.