2 From the President
What are your fears or worries for the future? What
What Are Your Goals?
are your goals and priorities? What outcomes are
What Are Your Fears?
unacceptable to you? What would a good day look
For more than 12 years,
I have witnessed several families deal with the death
Examples of patient goals may include: “freedom
of loved ones.
from pain, peace with God, awareness of treatment
End-of-life issues are complicated and delicate
choices, the ability to die at home or to enjoy a bowl
matters. That is why Dr. Robert L. Fine’s team and
of chocolate ice cream.”
their work is so relevant and timely. Dr. Fine serves as Examples of patient fears may include: “dying in
the clinical director of the Office of Clinical Ethics the hospital, not having the family present when I
and Palliative Care. pass, being out of sync with God, or needlessly
Dr. Fine and his teammates are responsible for
“treating suffering in all its forms,” including a Dr. Gawande beautifully steers the chronicle in a
combination of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual positive direction. His goal is to transition “ from lost
and/or social distress. hopes to new hopes and meaning.” He suggests that you
Baylor Scott & White Health has embraced the
pivot to focus on what gives your life quality, meaning
expansion of Palliative Care (PC) throughout the
and purpose.
system for many reasons. PC often results in better The palliative care team at Baylor Scott & White
symptom management, fewer non-beneficial Health improves emotional connections, deploys
treatments, better advanced care planning and a experienced listening skills and displays an
reduction in grief and PTSD issues among survivors. extraordinary sense of duty with patients and families
And, importantly, this commitment often comes with at the end of life. The Foundation is proud to assist
a lower price tag for all involved. this multi-dimensional team with philanthropic
Dr. Fine frequently references Being Mortal, the
funds to support the expansion of this vital service.
bestselling book by Atul Gawande, M.D. Dr.
Gawande draws on stories from his own experiences
as a doctor and a son to illuminate the subject of
mortality relative to modern medical systems.
Dr. Gawande weaves pragmatic questions
Rowland K. Robinson
throughout his narrative. For example: “What is your
President, Baylor Health Care System Foundation
understanding of where you are and of your illness?