the torch Spring 2014, Issue 1 | Page 2

the torch spring 2014 IN THIS ISSUE A H E A LT H I E R COMMUNITY you BEGINS WITH baylor health care system foundation | annual fund 6 Estate Gift Helps Others Breathe Easier what does it take generations. But vision alone will not get us there. We also need bold philanthropists who want to make a profound difference in the health of our community. 8 One Year Anniversary: Campaign 2015 It takes you. F RO M T H E B ROA D E S T P E R S P E C T I V E , G I F T S TO T H E A N N U A L F U N D H AV E A N I M PA C T I N T H E S E F O U R A R E A S : C A P I TA L & T E C H N O L O G Y R E S E A RC H The Baylor footprint is located in one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation. Baylor’s investment in new facilities and equipment ensures that we provide our patients with the very best. Recognized as one of the top research centers in the world, Baylor is changing the face of medicine and transforming the lives of patients in this region. Last year alone, we conducted more than 800 clinical trials. E D U C AT I O N PAT I E N T - C E N T E R E D P RO G R A M S As one of the nation’s largest and most advanced teaching hospitals, we are proud to provide the next generation of physicians with the expertise and training they need to care for us, our children and grandchildren. Baylor is unique in that our scope of care includes a broad array of patient-centered programs and resources to support each individual patient throughout their entire course of treatment and beyond. 10 12 Thompson’s Legacy Lives on at Baylor Advancing Nursing Excellence Improves Care 16 In Memoriam: Harold C. Simmons 19 For one, a bold vision. The vision of Baylor Health Care System. We are committed. to conduct game-changing research and to train more physicians to care for future Vulnerable Babies with Gifts 17 TO TRANSFORM THE D E L I V E R Y O F H E A LT H C A R E I N O U R C O M M U N I T Y ? Committed to develop innovative models of care, to use advanced medical technology, NEWS 7 Anonymous Donor Showers 22 A Life-saving Milestone: Baylor’s 100th Heart Transplant ARAMARK Honors Memory of Café Charles Chef The Foundation’s Top Donors DEPA RT MEN T S 4 President’s Letter 14 Focus on Research 21 Chairman’s Letter PROFILES 11 Kathleen Dunham, M.D. 15 Edward Agura, M.D. 18 Courtney Rottman 20 Rev. S.M. Wright II