From the
Most religions ask followers to pray and pray mightily when faced with suffering and problems. But personal responsibility,
vigilance and preparation are also part of the equation along with prayer. As the old fisherman’s proverb says, ‘Pray to God,
but row for shore’ and similarly our pioneer forefathers said, ‘Pray to God, and keep your powder dry.’ Truly, neither is
sufficient without the other!
Baylor is a faith-based hospital whose mission is to help and heal those suffering from all kinds of ills, and prayer is a big
part of healing. But it is not sufficient to simply pray for cures, we must invest our funds and energies to find the answers to
cancer, heart failure, birth challenges and traumatic injuries so that healing will be in our hands when needed. That’s wzhy
Baylor continues to invest in the best and brightest doctors, researchers, nurses, technicians and staff at all levels. And we
continue to enlist the best governing board members, Foundation board members and volunteers. We invest in new
technology, new research and new buildings so that all these investments, human and capital, work together to provide the
best care possible for each patient who comes to Baylor for help!
As you read this edition of the torch you will see several exciting fundraising events aimed at targeted areas of need – your
generous participation will greatly help Baylor meet these needs. You will read about our gratitude for some remarkable gifts
by donors whose support is sure to change lives for countless patients of Baylor for years to come. You will also see a list of
retiring Foundation board members who have meant so much to Baylor, as well as a bit about each of our wonderful new
board members. With their gifts of time, energy and dollars, these people are evidence of willingness to share experiences
and successes to help make Baylor an even better hospital!
So whether you are a donor large or small, a retiring board member, a new board member, a doctor, nurse, technician,
researcher, staff member or just an interested observer reading about Baylor and its many facets – I say thank you! Thank
you for your prayers and for helping Baylor prepare for the future, while taking great care of our patients today!
Margo Goodwin
Chairman, Board of Directors
Baylor Health Care System Foundation
Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary, community or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers nor Baylor Health Care System. Baylor Health Care
System Foundation does not provide legal or financial advice.