STA FF profile
A s manager of mark eting and public
r el ations for Baylor Health Care System
Foundation, Jennifer Huntsberry is responsible for
developing a comprehensive strategy to clearly outline key messages and identify opportunities to
reach a targeted audience through multiple communication channels. This includes the
Foundation’s award-winning newsletter, the torch,
the direct mail program and the messaging and
marketing strategy behind key fundraising initiatives and the Foundation’s first comprehensive
campaign, Campaign 2015: Baylor Makes Us
All Better.
Jennifer has wide experience in public and media
relations, event coordination and polling research.
In addition, she has experience in developing messages, scripts, and ad concepts for print and television ad campaigns. Since graduating from The
University of Texas at Austin, Jennifer has utilized
her expertise in communications and strategic
messaging while serving political campaigns, corporate and non‐profit organizations.
“The energy, the commitment to something or
someone you believe in, a