The COJCL Executive Board
A big thank you to the 2016-17 COJCL officers for their service! Pictured from left to right: Emma Curran (Secretary), Leah Huzjak (Historian), Vivian Tang (Editor), Brady Lane (CoCo), Bretta Lichtenwalner (Treasurer), Eric White (Parliamentarian), Emily Bechtel (Vice President), and Mary-Claire Spurgin (President).
Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Executive Board:
President: Vivian Tang, FHS
Vice President: Emma Salas, LCHS
Secretary: Youngbin Yoon, FHS
Treasurer: Vivian Bear, LCHS
Communications Coordinator (CoCo): Taylor Reincke, LCHS
Editor: Anina Peersen, LCHS
Historian: Leah Huzjak, CCHS
Parliamentarian: Jessie Barrington, CCHS
As always, thank you to all of our COJCL sponsors!