The Times Arc MUn news | Page 6

ECOSOC by Drampa Charis In this committee the delegates discussed the topic of the Development in Countries fostering from conflicts. In the beginning, maybe till the end, lot of delegates were nervous and sometimes, annoying because of their persistence to reject the others motions but they didn’t propose other ones. With the help of the board, the little democrats discussed after a few unmoderated caucus and they came out with some solution. Remarkable phrases were the “Education is the secret weapon”, “Children are our future” and “Once a factory will born then our world will be improved automatically”. ECOSOC had a lot of alliances and it seemed like they were 2 basic blocks. The first one was basically the countries from the European Union and the other one was formed by countries such as Syria and Saudi Arabia. All the countries were trying to smoothly suggest their ideas and there were some that stood out and presented their countries pretty well. After some little problems of insecurity they all came up with intelligent proposals. Not only did the delegates overcome their fears but they even discussed diplomatically. Dear delegates, honorable choirs, that was my speech written down for you.