by Michailidou Katerina
In the Committee of UNICEF the topic that delegates discussed was the issue of children refugees
in conflict areas. At the first part of time all delegates were a little bit anxious, but as the time was
passing they activated a lot. One of the moderated caucuses started and the main reason was threated
girls refugees. Specially the delegate of Czech
Republic had a reference about the night’s
danger when girls refugees walking alone in the
countries without war. No one can imagine how
girls jeopardize their lives in war zone countries!
The delegation of France supported the equal
protection in both genders. After this caucus,
there had been two unmoderated caucuses with
main topic the education and the health care.
Then a moderated caucus followed and all the delegates discussed about the progress of their
working papers that were created during the two unmoderated caucuses.
Finally the resolution dialed and the sponsor was the delegate of Syria.