The Tile Club: Camaraderie and American Plein-Air Painting The Tile Club | Page 51

Soria, Regina. Elihu Vedder: American Visionary Artist in Rome (1836–1923). Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970. Media by Men of the Tile Club. New London: Lyman Allyn Museum, 1945. “The Tile Club.” Art News 44 (April 15, 1945): 8–9. Young, Dorothy Weir. The Life and Letters of J. Alden Weir. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. Veblen, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Class. New York: The Modern Library, 1931. Young, Mahonri Sharp. “The Tile Club Revisited.” The American Art Journal 2, no. 2 (Fall 1970): 81–91. Weinberg, H. Barbara, Doreen Bolger, and David Park Curry. American Im- pressionism and Realism: The Painting of Modern Life, 1885–1915. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994. Zukowski, Karen. Creating the Artful Home: The Aesthetic Movement. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, 2006. Weinberg, H. Barbara. Childe Hassam: American Impressionist. New Haven and London: Yale University Press and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. Young, Dorothy Weir (Mrs. Mahonri Young). A Catalogue of Work in Many 45