The Thanksgiving Play - Nov. 2024 | Page 18

Meet the Cast

Hannah Brewer ( Logan ) Hannah is thrilled to be back in TCR ’ s Grandon Studio ! She has been performing in the area for over two decades and was most recently seen right here in the Grandon as Nora Helmer in A Doll ’ s House . Hannah would like to thank this delightful cast and crew for a dream experience , Aaron and Maribel for their incredible love and encouragement , and YOU for supporting live theatre in our community . Happy 4 th Thursday in November !
Ryan Shellady ( Jaxton ) Ryan Shellady is an attorney at Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman , PLC . Ryan is excited to be making his second appearance at Theatre Cedar Rapids — his first coming one year ago in The Woman in Black . Ryan has also been in numerous productions with Crooked Path Theatre Company and City Circle Theatre Company . He wants to thank his castmates and crew for making The Thanksgiving Play such a rewarding theatrical experience , and his wife , Vicky , for tolerating his crazy schedule between work , coaching mock trial , theatre , boards , and needing to sleep occasionally .
Cindy Shadrick ( Alicia ) Cindy Shadrick is a powerhouse performer who ' s brought characters to life in The Sound of Music , 9-5 , Eddie and Dave , The Rocky Horror Picture Show , and many other incredible productions with charm , grit , and an arsenal of unforgettable expressions . Cindy is overjoyed to share her humor , heart , and dash of delightful unpredictability to this incredibly funny script . She would like to thank her family , friends , and students for their support .
James McIntyre ( Caden ) James McIntyre is extremely excited to be making his premiere with TCR on the Grandon stage . James was recently seen as Garcin in No Exit ( MVLCT ) and Katurian in The Pillowman ( ICCT ). Besides his work onstage , James serves on the board of Run of the Mill Theatre and the Artistic Committee for Starlighters II . He would like to thank his friends and family for showing up and his partner Nicole for just for being herself .
Michele Payne Hinz ( Teacher ) Michele Payne Hinz , not long retired from a career as a well-meaning Midwestern teacher , is charmed to appear in a role that seems written just for her . She was last on stage at TCR as Prof . Marvel and The Wizard in the The Wizard of Oz and before that as Joan in Vinegar Tom . She ' d work again in a heartbeat with any of this brilliant cast and crew ( thanks , Joni , for the perfect sweater !) Hugs to the mayor for his love and support !
16 THE THANKSGIVING PLAY | theatrecr . org